Q&A-Understanding Waivers of Discrimination Claims in Employee Severance Agreements

This technical assistance document was issued upon approval of the Chair of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

OLC Control Number EEOC-NVTA-2009-2 Concise Display Name Q&A-Understanding Waivers of Discrimination Claims in Employee Severance Agreements Issue Date General Topics Age, Remedies, Race, Color, Sex, Religion, National Origin, Disability, Genetic Information

This document addresses severance agreements offered by an employer in exchange for waiver of current or potential discrimination claims. The document provides basic information about severance agreements, explains when a waiver is valid, and addresses w

Title VII, ADEA, 29 CFR Part 1601, 29 CFR 1625, 29 CFR Part 1626 Document Applicant Employees, Employers, Applicants, HR Practitioners, Benefit Providers Previous Revision Disclaimer

The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.

Table of Contents



What does a severance agreement look like?

A severance agreement often is written like a contract or letter and generally includes a list of numbered paragraphs setting forth specific terms regarding the date of termination, severance payments, benefits, references, return of company property, and release of claims against the employer. If your employer decides to terminate you, it may give you a severance agreement similar to the one that follows:

  1. Termination of Employment. You will cease to be employed by the Company on X date.
  2. Severance Payments. The Company agrees to pay you X weeks of severance pay. The severance pay will be in addition to the payment of unused accrued vacation pay to which you are entitled. You may elect to receive this severance pay in the form of a lump sum payment, or spread it over a number of weeks, less applicable deductions for taxes.
  1. General Release. You agree that the consideration set forth above, which is in addition to anything of value to which you are or might otherwise be entitled, shall constitute a complete and final settlement of any and all causes of actions or claims you have had, now have or may have up to the date of this agreement including, without limitation, those arising out of or in connection with your employment and/or termination by the Company pursuant to any federal, state, or local employment laws, statutes, public policies, orders or regulations, including without limitation, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and [certain state] laws.

Agreements that specifically cover the release of age claims will also include additional information intended to comply with OWBPA requirements. See Part IV.A, Question and Answer 6.

Example 2: This agreement is intended to comply with the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act. You acknowledge and agree that you specifically are waiving rights and claims under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.


What determines whether a waiver of rights under Title VII, the ADA, or the EPA was “knowing and voluntary”?

Example 3: An employee who was laid off from her position at an automobile assembly plant agreed to release her employer from all claims in exchange for a $100,000 severance payment. After signing the waiver and cashing the check, she filed a lawsuit alleging that she was harassed and discriminated against by her coworkers during her employment. A court found that the employee’s waiver was knowing and voluntary by looking at the totality of circumstances surrounding its execution: the employee graduated from college and completed paralegal classes that included a course in contracts; she had no difficulty reading; the agreement was clear and unambiguous; she had ample time to consider whether to sign it; she was represented by counsel; the cash payment provided by the employer was fair consideration; and she did not offer to return the payment she received for signing the waiver. [9] Example 4: An employee was informed that his company was downsizing and that he had 30 days to elect voluntary or involuntary separation. The employee chose voluntary separation in exchange for severance pay and additional retirement benefits and signed a waiver, which stated: “I . . . hereby release and discharge [my employer] from any and all claims which I have or might have, arising out of or related to my employment or resignation or termination.” The employee later filed suit alleging that he was terminated based on his race and national origin. In finding that the employee’s waiver was not knowing and voluntary, a court noted that although the language of the agreement was “clear and unambiguous,” it failed to specifically mention the release of employment discrimination claims. Because the employee was only high school educated and unfamiliar with the law, his argument that he believed he only was releasing claims arising from his voluntary termination and the benefits package he accepted was “not an unreasonable conclusion.” [10]

May I still file a charge with the EEOC if I believe that I have been discriminated against based on my age, race, sex, or disability, even if I signed a waiver releasing my employer from all claims?

If I file a charge with the EEOC after signing a waiver, will I have to return my severance pay?

Will I have to return my severance pay if I file a discrimination suit in court after signing a waiver?


General Requirements for Employees Age 40 and Over

What makes a waiver of age claims knowing and voluntary?

Example 5: An employee, who had worked for his company for 28 years, was selected for an involuntary RIF and asked to sign a "General Release and Covenant Not to Sue” (severance agreement) in exchange for money. The severance agreement provided, among other things, that the employee “released” his employer “from all claims . . . of whatever kind,” including claims under the ADEA and any other federal, state, or local law dealing with discrimination in employment. The severance agreement also referenced “covenants not to sue” and stated that “[t]his covenant not to sue does not apply to actions based solely under the [ADEA].” After reading the severance agreement, the employee asked his supervisor if the exception for ADEA claims contained in the covenant not to sue meant he could sue the employer if his suit was limited to claims under the ADEA. His supervisor contacted the employer’s legal department and then sent the employee an e-mail stating, "Regarding your question on the General Release and Covenant Not to Sue, the wording is as intended. . . . . The site attorney was not comfortable providing an interpretation for you and suggested you consult with your own attorney." The employee signed the agreement, collected severance benefits, and then sued his employer for age discrimination under the ADEA. A court held that the severance agreement was not enforceable because it was not written in a manner calculated to be understood. [17]

Example 6: A release stating: “I have had reasonable and sufficient time and opportunity to consult with an independent legal representative of my own choosing before signing this Complete Release of All Claims,” did not comply with OWBPA’s requirement that an individual be advised to consult with an attorney. Although the voluntary early retirement agreement advised employees to consult financial and tax advisors, to seek advice from local personnel representatives, and to attend retirement seminars, it said nothing about seeking independent legal advice prior to making the election to retire and accepting the agreement. [18]

Example 7: An employee who received enhanced severance benefits in exchange for waiving her right to challenge her layoff later filed suit. In finding the waiver valid, the court noted that because the waiver clearly stated that she was releasing any claims that she “may now have or have had,” it did not require her to waive future claims hat may arise after the waiver was signed. [20]

If a waiver of age claims fails to meet any of these seven requirements, it is invalid and unenforceable. [21] In addition, an employer cannot attempt to “cure” a defective waiver by issuing a subsequent letter containing OWBPA-required information that was omitted from the original agreement. [22]

Are there other factors that may make a waiver of age claims invalid?

Yes. Even when a waiver complies with OWBPA’s requirements (see Question and Answer 6 above), a waiver of age claims, like waivers of Title VII and other discrimination claims, will be invalid and unenforceable if an employer used fraud, undue influence, or other improper conduct to coerce the employee to sign it, or if it contains a material mistake, omission, or misstatement.

Example 8: An employee who was told that his termination resulted from “reorganization” signed a waiver in exchange for severance pay. After a younger person was hired to do his former job, he filed a lawsuit alleging age discrimination. The company then changed its position and claimed that the real reason for the employee’s discharge was his poor performance. The employee argued that his waiver was invalid due to fraud and that if he had known that he was being terminated because of alleged poor performance, he would have suspected age discrimination and would not have signed the waiver. The court held that fraud was a sufficient reason for finding the waiver invalid. [23] Example 9: An employee was terminated and given ten weeks of severance pay in exchange for signing an agreement waiving all of her potential discrimination claims. She later filed a lawsuit alleging that she was continuously passed over for promotion based on her age and sex throughout her employment. In response to the employer’s attempt to dismiss her suit, she alleged that the waiver was an ultimatum which effectively gave her no choice since she was her grandchildren’s guardian and her family’s source of income. The court held that the employee’s financial problems and prospective loss of her job did not constitute “duress” for the purpose of invalidating a waiver. [24]

If I am 40 years old or older, am I entitled to more severance pay or benefits than a younger employee?

Are there any circumstances where I may have to pay my employer back the money it gave me for the waiver of my age claims?

Yes. Your employer may offset money it paid you in exchange for waiving your rights if you successfully challenge the waiver, prove age discrimination, and obtain a monetary award. However, your employer’s recovery may not exceed the amount it paid for the waiver or the amount of your award if it is less. [26]

Example 10: Your employer paid you $15,000 in exchange for a waiver of your age discrimination claim. You sue and convince a court that your waiver was not “knowing and voluntary” under OWBPA and that you are entitled to $10,000 in back pay and liquidated damages based on age discrimination. A court could reduce your award to zero because $10,000 is less than the $15,000 the employer already paid you for the waiver. Example 11: Same as Example 10, except that you are awarded $30,000 based on age discrimination. A court could not reduce your award by more than $15,000, the amount you received in exchange for the waiver. This means that you would still get $30,000 – the $15,000 your employer paid you for your waiver and an additional $15,000 awarded by the court.

If I challenge an age discrimination waiver in court, may my employer renege on promises it made in the agreement?

No. EEOC regulations state that an employer cannot “abrogate,” or avoid, its duties under an ADEA waiver even if you challenge it. Because you have a right under OWBPA to have a court determine a waiver’s validity, it is unlawful for your employer to stop making promised severance payments or to withhold any other benefits it agreed to provide. [27]

Example 12: A company eliminated almost all of its direct sales positions and offered terminated employees six months of severance benefits in exchange for signing a waiver. In response to the employees’ suit alleging age discrimination, the company indicated that it was suspending any further severance payments and was discontinuing other benefits provided under the waiver agreement. A court held that the company could not cut off severance payments or demand repayment of benefits because the employees filed suit challenging the validity of the waiver. [28]

Additional Requirements for Group Layoffs of Employees Age 40 and Over

What is an “exit incentive” or “other termination” program?

Typically, an “exit incentive program” is a voluntary program where an employer offers two or more employees, such as older employees or those in specific organizational units or job functions, additional consideration to persuade them to voluntarily resign and sign a waiver. An “other employment termination program” generally refers to a program where two or more employees are involuntarily terminated and are offered additional consideration in return for their decision to sign a waiver. [29]

Example 13: A bank must eliminate 20% of its 200 teller positions in a particular geographic location and decides to retain only those employees who most recently received the highest performance ratings. The bank sends a letter to 50 tellers who were rated “needs improvement” offering them six months pay if they voluntarily agree to resign and sign a waiver. This is an “exit incentive program.” Example 14: Same facts as in Example 13, but only 30 tellers voluntarily resign. The bank involuntarily lays off 10 tellers with severance pay in exchange for their waiver of age claims. This is an “other termination program.”

If I am in a group of employees who are being laid off and asked to sign a waiver, what information does my employer have to give to me?

Example 15: If an employer decides it must eliminate 10 percent of its workforce at a particular facility, then the entire facility is the decisional unit, and the employer has to disclose the titles and ages of all employees at the facility who were and who were not selected for the layoff. If, however, the employer must eliminate 15 jobs and only considers employees in its accounting department (and not bookkeeping or sales) , then the accounting department is the decisional unit, and the employer has to disclose the title and ages of all employees in the accounting department whose positions were and were not selected for elimination.

The particular circumstances of each termination program determine whether the decisional unit is the entire company, a division, a department, employees reporting to a particular manager, or workers in a specific job classification.

See Appendix B for an example of an agreement issued to employees being laid off or terminated pursuant to a group exit incentive program.



Employee Checklist: What to Do When Your Employer Offers You a
Severance Agreement: