Register a nonprofit organisation

If yours is a non-profit organisation and is not part of government, you can apply for registration. You can submit your non-profit organisation (NPO) application at your nearest provincial social development office.

NPOs include trusts, companies or other associations of persons established for a public purpose.

Registering your NPO is beneficial because its certificate:

To register, you must be one of the following:

What you should do

  1. Submit the completed NPO application form at your nearest provincial social development office together with two copies of the organisation’s founding documents:
  2. If you are dissatisfied with the rejection or cancellation of your organisation’s certificate, you may launch an appeal to the panel arbitrators .
  3. Once it is registered, you must submit the organisation's annual report nine months after its financial year-end. The annual report should consist of a narrative report and a financial report.

It is a criminal offence for an organisation to operate under the pretence of a registered NPO. Various government departments offer funding for various services.


How much does it cost

The service is free.

Forms to complete

(Forms are provided in PDF format. To open PDF documents, you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or higher installed on your computer.)